The Books
True stories of awakening

Author and spiritual seeker
Share my journey of awakening and discover who you really are.
"As we let go of wants and desires we open ourselves up to wonderful possibilities.
-Petra Valica ~ Sipping Green Tea and the Journey to Me

The first book of the series. An inspiring true story of my into awakening and self-discovery. Join me as I share both the struggle and bliss of spiritual awakening. Through a guide, I was given lessons in celibacy, manifestation and selflessness. After a final encounter with my own birth, I discovered a new perspective on life and what it means to look at one’s self from outside Self. Every end has a new beginning.
The second story of the series. My story continues with an auspicious trip to Rome and an encounter with a Countess who foretells an eerie future that leads to a final lesson from my Guide. Starting all over again, I’m sent on a walkabout to find my own Way to discover even more lessons including, Tantra, lucid dreaming, loss and finally forgiveness. Has the story come to its end?

The third of the series. will continue with even more adventure, love, travels and journeys to the Divine. Expected release date 2023.
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Copyright 2022 ~ Petra Valica